Brett H. Innovative Dental After Dental Implants with Dr. Grant Olson of Springfield, Missouri. New Teeth Supported by Dental Implants. Get Your Confidence and Smile Back with Dental Implants. America's Dental Implant Institute for Dental Implants.
Brett H. Innovative Dental After Dental Implants with Dr. Grant Olson of Springfield, Missouri. New Teeth Supported by Dental Implants. Get Your Confidence and Smile Back with Dental Implants. America's Dental Implant Institute for Dental Implants.

Brent’s Teeth Before Dental Implants

“My husband inherited his mom’s teeth and all through he took care of them better than most people do, he lost them. There was no quick fix. It was either implants or dentures or a patch job that we would have to do maintenance on regularly. Dr. O provided his suggestions (implants on the top and fixing the bottom) but in the end, we decided on full-mouth implants. My family and I cannot recommend this facility enough. I just wish we would have done it sooner.” - Chelsea Heiser

Brett H. Innovative Dental After Dental Implants with Dr. Grant Olson of Springfield, Missouri. New Teeth Supported by Dental Implants. Get Your Confidence and Smile Back with Dental Implants. America's Dental Implant Institute for Dental Implants.

Before After

A Quote from Brett’s Wife

“My husband Brett and I started Brett’s journey 6 months ago. Today was his last appointment and I just received his before and after. It blew our expectations out of the water.”

Chelsea Heiser
May 19th, 2022

“He’s come out of his shell…”

Brett got his confidence back after dental implants and now smiles without holding back.

“We knew things were going to be different because they couldn’t get any worse. What they failed to tell us was how much it was going to change him. He’s come out of his shell, his personality is not what I’ve known and I cannot describe what it’s done on the inside, not just the outside. Absolutely no words can express or do it justice on how we feel about this place.”

- Chelsea Heiser